July 15th, 2024

Oil & Gas

# Oil & Gas



Through a comprehensive modernization initiative, we transformed a legacy oil and gas Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software platform. We enhanced the user experience by revamping the interface and overhauled the technical infrastructure, resulting in improved platform uptime and stability. Additionally, we successfully implemented Agile methodologies, introducing a more iterative and collaborative approach to project management, which was a significant shift from the traditional Waterfall methodology that the client was accustomed to. Furthermore, we updated the technology stack, incorporating cutting-edge tools and technologies to enhance system reliability and performance. These enhancements have empowered the client's employees to work more efficiently, eliminating the frustrations caused by the outdated and cumbersome interface of the legacy ERP system. As a result, job satisfaction has increased, fostering a more productive and engaged workforce.


Oilfield service company (NDA-protected)

Mexico | 1000+ employees

A Mexican-based oilfield service company.


To align with evolving business requirements and foster expansion, an outdated ERP system within the oil and gas industry necessitated an upgrade.

The client, hindered by an antiquated ERP system plagued with bugs and intricate user workflows, sought to upgrade their oil and gas-specific ERP software. Their goal was to establish a user-friendly platform that would enhance task efficiency, boost productivity, and reinforce their business operations and growth. To achieve this, they searched for an ERP software development company proficient in the oil and gas sector.

After evaluating various options, the client selected Levisoft based on its proven track record in developing solutions for oil and gas companies. It was evident that our technological prowess and skilled workforce made us the ideal partner to fulfill their requirements.


The legacy ERP system utilized by the oil and gas industry required an upgrade to address a variety of common issues. These included outdated code practices, an obsolete technology stack, and user interfaces that no longer met the needs of the business and hindered its potential for growth.

The key challenges were problems common to old ERP systems.

  • Legacy code practices and a diverse technology stack caused critical bugs, system outages, and workflow and performance inefficiencies.
  • The company relied on obsolete frameworks and databases like AngularJS, .NET Framework 4.5, and MySQL 5.6, making it challenging to find qualified IT specialists willing to work with their oil and gas ERP system.
  • Outdated user interfaces hindered user workflows, slowed down work, and contributed to a poor employee experience.


  1. Design an intuitive and easy-to-navigate user interface.
  2. Enhance the system's reliability and security measures to safeguard data and prevent unauthorized access.
  3. Significantly increase the yearly platform uptime from 70% to at least 90%, ensuring uninterrupted service and minimizing downtime.
  4. Modernize the ERP legacy system's infrastructure by migrating to more advanced and current technologies, improving efficiency and scalability.
  5. Implement cost-effective strategies to optimize cloud computing expenses, ensuring optimal resource utilization and reducing unnecessary costs.


An Optimized Cloud Infrastructure, Upgraded Tech Stack, and Enhanced User Experience

.NET 6, Azure, Angular
18 months
5 specialists

To kick off the legacy ERP system modernization process, we shared and aligned project management methodologies before the contract was signed. The client was familiar with the Waterfall management approach, which involves assigning tasks and documenting requirements in a linear, sequential manner. We introduced them to the Agile approach, specifically Scrum, which we had successfully used in previous ERP software development projects. This would allow for a shift from Waterfall to Agile with minimal disruption to their work processes.

After the custom ERP software development contract was signed, we implemented Scrum practices. To respect the client's organizational culture, we adopted the Scrumban methodology, a hybrid of Scrum and Kanban. This combined the structure of Scrum with the flexibility and flow-based method of Kanban, enhancing team efficiency and productivity. Artifacts like user stories and the project knowledge base were adjusted to align with the client's company style and setup.

Technically, the project involved a thorough reengineering process. Due to incomplete platform documentation, we conducted knowledge-sharing sessions with internal employees to assess the architecture and business logic of the legacy ERP system.

After modifying the client's existing software development workflow and gaining a better understanding of the technical issues, we focused on project deliverables. These included:

  • Completely new UI/UX designs for a user-friendly oil and gas ERP interface and logical task workflows. Modern elements were added for improved intuitiveness and responsiveness.
  • An upgraded tech stack to enhance reliability and security, resulting in fewer bugs, improved system performance, and streamlined employee workflows.
  • A modernized software infrastructure with new Azure cloud services to meet uptime requirements, reduce processing load, and optimize resource allocation.
  • Cloud resource use optimization and cloud service autoscaling to optimize costs while ensuring the platform could handle demand surges.


27% higher uptime and more efficient operations 

  • Uptime increased to 95% due to a cloud infrastructure overhaul and additional cloud services.
  • A 70% reduction in reported bugs.
  • A 45% increase in the duration of ERP-related business operations.
  • Upgraded technical infrastructure for ERP modernization.

Useful case studies

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